Saturday, December 24, 2011

I had a terrible dream about seeing my own I'm too scared to sleep.?

Can anyone help me with ideas to fall asleep??? I am freaking out here.|||Try meditation before sleep, guided imagery (aka force yourself to think of a 'happy place'), listening to music to calm you down. If that doesn't help, I would suggest seeing a therapist. They can help you get over your fears and anxieties. Good luck :)|||Well I am no dream expert but i have had many scary dreams that have kept me awake for nights. but first to not be afraid its good to know that dreams almost never mean what they appear to be. Dreams are simply your brains way of filtering through all the things you intake!

dreaming of your own doppelganger is said to mean that you are questioning your own motives.|||That would be a cool dream. Why do all you guys have cool dreams?|||make friends wit him or her ans invite to share your bed

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